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Pulmonary Fibrosis Study

Action Changes Things

The Participation Program for Pulmonary Fibrosis (P3F) are currently recruiting pulmonary fibrosis patients (fibrosis of any etiology, not just IPF) to sign up for a Contact Registry as well as for a study in which we will examine the effects of daytime supplemental oxygen on a number of outcomes.

For our supplemental oxygen study, we are looking to enroll patients currently using supplemental oxygen and those likely to need supplemental oxygen in the next year or so.

We are asking for your help only to spread the word about this study to all the members of your support group. All data collection will occur either online or via mailings.

Packets containing a more detailed explanation of the study along with recruitment materials (e.g., flyers, business cards) are being mailed to you and should reach you in a few days.

We appreciate your time and attention, and we hope that you can help us by letting the members of your pulmonary fibrosis support network know about these exciting opportunities.

If you would like more information about the P3F, please check us out at and follow us on Twitter at @DoctorSwig or email our Principal Investigator, Dr. Swigris, directly at

P P P P F Study

Next Meeting of Breathmatters

Last Page Update: September 14, 2020

Breathmatters Lung Disease Support Group